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ghd straighteners,wholesale GHD flat iron,hair straighteners


Council warns over fake hair products

A local authority in England has been warning consumers in the area about fake hair products that are being sold online after receiving a number of complaints from consumers that have already been stung.
According to a recent report a local authority in England has received a number of complaints about fake hair products that are being sold online, and as a result of this has issued a warning to residents in the area about the fake goods. Complaints have been made by a number of people that have already fallen victim to the sale of the fake goods, and the council wants to ensure that people are aware of the scam.
The council involved is Worcestershire County Council, which has been warning its residents about the sale of the fake GHD hair products. The council has already received around six complaints about the sale of the fake products and these complaints have come in over the space of just one month.
The website that is in questions is and council officials claim that it is trying to pass itself off as the official GHD website. However, it is actually based in China and sells fake products to consumers. Council officials now want people to be more vigilant with regards to purchasing these popular hair straightening irons to ensure that other people do not lose money in this way.
One council official said: “GHD hair straighteners are high-value products, which have unfortunately been targeted by counterfeiters. Consumers should always purchase these goods from a reputable approved source as bargains on the internet are not always what they seem. People should be particularly vigilant when websites offering bargain prices are based abroad.”

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